How to install a Python library in IBM CC Lab

To install a Python library

IBM workbench CC Lab is a good platform for data scientist. It has Jupyter Notebooks that allows user to create and collaborate codes on Python, R, and Scala notebooks that contain code and visualizations. There are so many libraries are already installed in it, but still some of the libraries are missing. If you want to add the libraries which are not pre-installed in Jupyter Notebook, follow below steps : 
  1. Use the Python pip package installer command to install Python libraries to your notebook. For example, run the following command in a code cell to install the pygal library:
     !pip install --user pygal
    The installed packages can be used by all notebooks that use the same Python version in the Spark service.
  2. Restart (Kernel >> Restart)
  3. Use the Python import command to import the library components. For example, run the following command in a code cell:
     import pygal as pg


Best Programming language for machine learning.

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