
Showing posts from August, 2017

Hackerrank - Implementation - Picking Numbers

Given an array of integers, find and print the maximum number of integers you can select from the array such that the absolute difference between any two of the chosen integers is  . Input Format The first line contains a single integer,  , denoting the size of the array. The second line contains   space-separated integers describing the respective values of  . Constraints The answer will be  . Output Format A single integer denoting the maximum number of integers you can choose from the array such that the absolute difference between any two of the chosen integers is  . Sample Input 0 6 4 6 5 3 3 1 Sample Output 0 3 Explanation 0 We choose the following multiset of integers from the array:  . Each pair in the multiset has an absolute difference   (i.e.,   and  ), so we print the number of chosen integers,  , as our answer. Sa...

Hackerrank - Data Structure - Stacks - Balanced Bracket

A bracket is considered to be any one of the following characters:  ( ,  ) ,  { ,  } ,  [ , or  ] . Two brackets are considered to be a  matched pair  if the an opening bracket (i.e.,  ( ,  [ , or  { ) occurs to the left of a closing bracket (i.e.,  ) ,  ] , or  } )  of the exact same type . There are three types of matched pairs of brackets:  [] ,  {} , and  () . A matching pair of brackets is  not balanced  if the set of brackets it encloses are not matched. For example,  {[(])} is not balanced because the contents in between  {  and  }  are not balanced. The pair of square brackets encloses a single, unbalanced opening bracket,  ( , and the pair of parentheses encloses a single, unbalanced closing square bracket,  ] . By this logic, we say a sequence of brackets is considered to be  balanced  if the following conditions are met: ...

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