Hackerrank - Data Structure - Stacks - Balanced Bracket
A bracket is considered to be any one of the following characters:
, )
, {
, }
, [
, or ]
Two brackets are considered to be a matched pair if the an opening bracket (i.e.,
, [
, or {
) occurs to the left of a closing bracket (i.e., )
, ]
, or }
) of the exact same type. There are three types of matched pairs of brackets: []
, {}
, and ()
A matching pair of brackets is not balanced if the set of brackets it encloses are not matched. For example,
is not balanced because the contents in between {
and }
are not balanced. The pair of square brackets encloses a single, unbalanced opening bracket, (
, and the pair of parentheses encloses a single, unbalanced closing square bracket, ]
By this logic, we say a sequence of brackets is considered to be balanced if the following conditions are met:
- It contains no unmatched brackets.
- The subset of brackets enclosed within the confines of a matched pair of brackets is also a matched pair of brackets.
Given strings of brackets, determine whether each sequence of brackets is balanced. If a string is balanced, print
on a new line; otherwise, print NO
on a new line.
Input Format
The first line contains a single integer, , denoting the number of strings.
Each line of the subsequent lines consists of a single string, , denoting a sequence of brackets.
Each line of the subsequent lines consists of a single string, , denoting a sequence of brackets.
- , where is the length of the sequence.
- Each character in the sequence will be a bracket (i.e.,
, and]
Output Format
For each string, print whether or not the string of brackets is balanced on a new line. If the brackets are balanced, print
; otherwise, print NO
Sample Input
Sample Output
- The string
meets both criteria for being a balanced string, so we printYES
on a new line. - The string
is not balanced, because the brackets enclosed by the matched pairs[(]
are not balanced. Thus, we printNO
on a new line. - The string
meets both criteria for being a balanced string, so we printYES
on a new line,
def is_matched(expression): stack = [] mapper = {'{': '}', '(':')', '[': ']'} for u in expression: if u in mapper: stack.append(u) elif not stack or mapper[stack[-1]] != u: return False else: stack.pop() return not len(stack) t = int(raw_input().strip()) for a0 in xrange(t): expression = raw_input().strip() if is_matched(expression) == True: print "YES" else: print "NO"
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