Hackerrank - Greedy - Jim and the Orders
Jim's Burgers has hungry burger fans waiting in line. Each unique order, , is placed by a customer at time , and the order takes units of time to process.
Given the information for all orders, can you find and print the order in which all customers will receive their burgers? If two or more orders are fulfilled at the exact same time , sort them by ascending order number.
The first line contains a single integer, , denoting the number of orders.
Each of the subsequent lines contains two space-separated integers describing the respective values of and for order .
Each of the subsequent lines contains two space-separated integers describing the respective values of and for order .
Output Format
Print a single line of space-separated order numbers (recall that orders are numbered from to ) describing the sequence in which the customers receive their burgers. If two or more customers receive their burgers at the same time, print the smallest order number first.
Sample Input 0
1 3
2 3
3 3
Sample Output 0
1 2 3
Explanation 0
Jim has the following orders:
- . This order is fulfilled at time .
- . This order is fulfilled at time .
- . This order is fulfilled at time .
As you can see, order was fulfilled at time , order was fulfilled at time , and order was fulfilled at time . Thus, we print the sequence of order numbers in the order in which they were fulfilled as
1 2 3
Sample Input 1
8 1
4 2
5 6
3 1
4 3
Sample Output 1
4 2 5 1 3
Explanation 1
Jim has the following orders:
- . This order is fulfilled at time .
- . This order is fulfilled at time .
- . This order is fulfilled at time .
- . This order is fulfilled at time .
- . This order is fulfilled at time .
When we order these by ascending fulfillment time, we get:
- : order .
- : order .
- : order .
- : order .
- : order .
We print the ordered numbers in the bulleted listed above as
4 2 5 1 3
Note: While not demonstrated in these sample cases, recall that any orders fulfilled at the same time must be listed by ascending order number.
Solution :
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
itt = int(raw_input())
dict = {}
for k in range(1,itt+1):
dict[k] = sum(map(int, raw_input().split()))
new_dict = sorted(dict, key=dict.get)
print " ".join(map(str,new_dict))
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